Archive for the ‘WebServices’ Category

Webservices, Mashups, and Money

February 13, 2007

Webservices is the word around everywhere. Yahoo officially got into the mashup game last week with Yahoo Pipes, and while going through Jeff’s blog I found out that Microsoft is also in the fray. This development came up yesterday when Microsoft announced its new mashup platform NetworkMashups at 3GSM conference. NetworkMashups is supposed to make it easy to build, deploy, and generate revenues from mashups. There is a host to documentation and downloads to go through before you can really get started. Comparing to Proto, or Yahoo Pipes, or Dapper, or Teqlo, NetworkMashups play seems to be in the enterprise or commercial space.

Coming to the money part, Microsoft is also organizing a mashup contest with chance to win  $2,500 to $25,000 in cash. Besides Microsoft, Proto in collaboration with Dapper is also running a mashup contest this month that can get you an iPod+$200 itunes gift check. A smart idea, few hours of effort, and the easy to learn desktop app from Proto can easily make your day.
